Friday, October 15, 2010

Re-Name the Husband-Elect Contest and Cookbook Winner!

Sweet readers! Nearly 100 comments, Facebook posts, and e-mails later, we have a winner for our Rename the Husband-Elect Contest. My dearly beloved and I are going with:


As in, “Husband of the United Sturts” (my new last name).

Congratulations Procrastamom! If you can shoot me an e-mail ( with your name and address, I’ll send you your prize, Giada at Home, Family Recipes from Italy and California by Madame Prosciutto Clawhand herself, Giada DeLaurentiis.

That Guy I Married was a close runner-up, and we both very much appreciated Sir Husby, Husband-Select, and Captain Weirdbeard of the Good Ship CHG.

Stick around, folks! The links are coming soon.

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